Tag: Microsoft 365

What is Azure Active Directory Identity Governance: Protecting Digital Identities at Scale

Effective identity management is a crucial component of cybersecurity as more organizations move their data and applications to the cloud. Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) provides identity and access management services that can help organizations secure their resources and comply with regulatory requirements. Azure AD Governance is a set of capabilities that enable organizations […]

What is Microsoft Security? Product line to Organization

We at Microsoft Uncensored are pleased to announce our latest blog series titled “Microsoft Security: Protecting Your Business.” In this series, we will provide you with an in-depth overview of the Microsoft Security product lines and how they can help protect businesses. Cybersecurity is a top priority for businesses of all sizes, and Microsoft Security […]

Intune, Intune Everywhere! New Microsoft Intune Licensing Explained – I hope!

Microsoft recently announced the new Intune (per user) Plans that can be purchased separate from the traditional EMS or Microsoft 365 SKU’s, and to hopefully reduce any confusion, I have outlined as much as I can below. Let me start by outlining what is new. While Intune has quite a bit available to it already, […]

Did you know? Microsoft Teams Essentials or Microsoft Teams Premium.

As you have probably already heard, Microsoft Teams has become widely adopted among businesses of all sizes. It primary features provide a wide range of functionality that allow teams to communicate, collaborate, and stay organized. While the basic version of Microsoft Teams is free, there are two paid plans available: Microsoft Teams Essentials and Microsoft […]

How To: Migrate File Shares to SharePoint Online

Icons showing a migration from file server to SharePoint Online

If you’re like most organizations, you still have files residing on-premises. They could be in a NAS, or a DFS replicated Windows Server. Your users might know this collection of files as the “S Drive” or something similar. It’s time to modernize your file experience and move files into the cloud where you get versioning […]